Faulder Family Genealogy Faulder Family Genealogy

6 September, 2012

Faulders mentioned in BBC Who Do You Think You Are

The 5 September 2012 Edition of (the BBC Series of) Who Do You Think You Are? featured the singer Annie Lennox.  Her Great Great Great Grandmother, Mary Rose, was the “Natural Daughter” of a James Rose (Church terminology for illegitimate).  It seems that a few months after the birth of Mary, James Rose married an Isabella Faulder.  That caught my attention!


24 August, 2010

Faulder Cumberland Antecedents

Other posts have made reference to the half-family arising from Catherine Blaylock marrying two Robert Faulders and to the intertwining of various families mainly in North Cumberland in the 18th and 19th Centuries.

This diagram (click on it to see it full size) shows some of the links that have been established.

Faulder and associated families: marriages around the 18th and 19th Centuries

Faulder and associated families: marriages around the 18th and 19th Centuries (click for full-size image)

23 August, 2010

Willett Antecedents

The early Willetts take a bit of disentangling due to second marriages and marriages to other Willetts. What follows is a summary; there is a more detailed explanation with references on another post. (more…)

17 August, 2010

The Descendants of Catherine Blaylock (b 1773)

Family Treeopen pdf window showing the two half families descended from her two husbands (both named Robert Faulder).

See also: The Parents of William Faulder (b 1804)

The Parents of William Faulder (b 1804)

When I first started tracing my ancestors I found there were alternative suggestions for William Faulder’s parents.  William was my Great Great Grandfather. (more…)

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