The following family trees show my cousins (living generations though are not shown).
Regrettably these family trees have had to be password protected – not for privacy reasons (only two living people are consciously referred to) – but to control mass multiple downloads that use up bandwidth. If you want access to one of these pages please email me (address on main page) for a password.
- Descendants of Georg Blaylock (wife unknown)
. Georg’s grand-daughter Catherine Blaylock married the two Robert Faulders.
- Descendants of John Sewell & Ann Rayson
. John and Ann’s grand-daughter Ann Sewell married William Faulder.
- Descendants of John Ridley & Jane Williamson
. John and Jane’s eldest daughter Isabella Ridley married Thomas Sewell. Includes Emmerson family.
- Descendants of John Story & Mary Caruthers
. John and Mary’s grand-daughter Emily Story married Joseph Sewell Faulder.
- Descendants of Walter Palmer & Margaret Clavert
. Walter and Margaret’s great great great grand-daughter Ann Ferguson Palmer married John Story.
- Descendants of John Lendrum & Barbara Allan
. John and Barbara’s great great Grand-daughter Marjorie Fell Lendrum married Harold Faulder.
- Descendants of William Colville & Margaret Renny
. William and Margaret’s daughter Margaret Colvill married Robert Lendrum.
- Descendants of Henry Snape & Elizabeth Harrison (and Henry’s brother William)
. Henry and Elizabeth’s daughter Alice Snape married George Lendrum.
- Descendants of Robert Fell & Ann Inman
. Robert and Ann’s great grand-daughter Elizabeth Fell married Robert Henry Lendrum.
- Descendants of James Keighley & Elizabeth Ramsden
. James and Elizabeth’s daughter Martha Keighley married Robert Fell.
- Descendants of Everard Willett & Sarah & Maria
. Everard and Maria’s great great grand-daughter Elizabeth Willett married Harold Dick Sewell Faulder.
- Descendants of Josiah Box & Elisabeth Stiles
. Josiah and Elizabeth’s great grand daughter Maria Box married William Willett (snr). Includes [K|C]reamer family (still to be researched in detail)
- Descendants of George Neal & Rebecca Sear
. George and Rebecca’s daughter Rebecca married Everard John Willett.
- Descendants of William Blizzard Williamson & Elizabeth
. William and Elizabeth’s Grand-daughter Elizabeth Williamson married Everard William Willett.
- Descendants of James Clark & Elizabeth Ann
. James and Elizabeth’s daughter Elizabeth Ann married George Henry Williamson.
Comments of the nature “Are we related” are being collated by family under a series of Are We Related Pages.