Map of Western Front

This page uses the Google Maps service to provide an interactive (current) map of locations on the First World War Western Front associated with the service of Harold Faulder (plus a few UK sites). [more detail]

  • Inns of Court Officers Training Corps - "The Devil's Own"
  • 3rd Battalion, York and Lancaster Regiment - previously 3rd West York Light Infantry Militia. Reserve Battalion - UK based; part of Tyne Garrison during WW1
  • 14th Battalion, York and Lancaster Regiment - "The 2nd Barnsley Pals" New Army Service Battalion - attached to 94th Brigade, 31st Division
  • 4th Entrenching Battalion - formed in 1918 from soldiers from disbanded units awaiting reallocation. Formed from 2/6th Dukes (West Riding); 12th, 14th and 2/5th York & Lancs; 12th and 13th East Yorks
  • 1/4th Battalion, York and Lancaster Regiment - "The Hallamshires" Territorial Force - 1st string of the 4th battalion - attached to 148th Brigade, 49th Division, previously attached to 3rd West Riding Brigade, West Riding Division
  • FANY - First Aid Nursing Yeomanary. Evelyn Faulder served with the FANY
Information principally from Long, Long Trail Website
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