Accommodation on the Western Front

This page uses the Google Maps service to provide an interactive map of accommdation locations near the First World War Western Front.

Information was originally drawn from the Long, Long Trailopen new window on the basis that it is provided for general guidance only. The owners of the Long, Long Trail (and others who have provided information) do not warrant that any accommodation listed here will be available or of a given standard - neither do I.

The page may take a while to load and requires a recent browser. Use the arrow buttons or click and drag to move around the map and use the + and - buttons to zoom in and out (it is necessary to zoom out to see some addresses). Clicking on a marker (once and waiting) will give address and information. Selecting "Table" will give more detail.

Locations on the map are based not on personal experience but on the street name, or if not found, the village/town name. In some cases the location's website gives the location. To report a better location, find it using the Western Front Locator page and email the resulting latitude and longitude to the "webmaster" on this site. Likewise, if you discover any errors, please let me know on the same email address.

Use search to filter those records which contain a particular word (in any field). To filter by a particular value for an accommodation type, region or location field use the selection boxes below.